You can quickly start your company in just 3 steps. No waiting for days, no dealing with departments, no risks:
If you don't have an address for your new business, no problem. With Defterdar, you can instantly have a legal address and choose any location you want.
Start NowMake a full digital transition with Defterdar. Instantly benefit from our technology instead of traditional methods, and speed up your processes.
Start NowRegister your brand with Defterdar to protect your company's prestige immediately. Take your place in the industry in a short time and secure your rights.
Start NowDefterdar offers an integrated pre-accounting solution on your panel. No additional packages, no extra conditions. Here, it's all about speed and solutions.
Start NowGet support for your new or existing company. Focus solely on managing your business.
Start Now* does not provide Financial Advisory services. It provides a common platform where financial advisors and advisors can follow their processes.